Winner of the Tony Award for Best Musical and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, RENT follows a year in the life of friends in New York's Lower East Side during the 1990s HIV/AIDS crisis. Filled with laughs, tears, and a rock-infused score, RENT is a story about community, survival, and measuring life in love.
PLEASE NOTE: RENT contains strong language and subject matter that is not appropriate for all ages. Download the Parent Guide for more information.
Somerville Arts for Youth will be offering a kid-friendly workshop during the Saturday, December 8th, 2pm performance for families with children grades 3-6 who would like to attend the performance.
Thursday, Dec. 6 @ 8PM*
(after the Tree Lighting)
Friday, Dec. 7 @ 7PM
Saturday, Dec. 8 @ 2PM and 7PM
RENT is co-presented with
with support from